Monday, February 1, 2010

Quick Post

I think since I have a blog, I should use it more often. So maybe I will blog more, maybe I won't. Anyway here's a quick update on my life. I am in my 3rd semester at SUU and still liking my major. After this semester my generals will be over with, which will be such a relief! I can really focus on the things that I really want to learn about. I am enjoying my classes this semester mainly because I am learning a lot. One class I am taking is Family Processes and Theory and it is so interesting to learn about the different theories about family and family development. Usually after taking a general class not of my choice I think what did I get out of this class? But with this class and another one I am taking called Cross-cultures Families and Marriage I am learning so much and every day I am always thinking about what I learned and relating those things to daily life. I hope as I take more classes in my field of study I will continue to enjoy it. I am also taking English 2010 which I regret that I put that class of for so long. It's been almost three years since I took English 1010 in high school and I've almost forgotten how to write, which I'm sure you can tell from reading this. The class is Writing about Music which makes it really fun and easier to write since I can write about the music that I love. I just might post some of the papers I write on here so you may read them. :)
So other than that, I am still looking for a job and have been since October. It has been a big struggle for me and I hate the fact that I may have passed up chances. But I am only looking to the future now and working even harder to get a job. It has been a huge blessing that my mom and dad have been willing to help me. I don't know what I would do without them! So thank you mom and dad! You truly are the best!!